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Would it Be Safe to Donate Blood When You Are Pregnant?

pregistry blog623 16-May-2019

                                          Would it Be Safe to Donate Blood When You Are Pregnant?

The moment you are pregnant, a lot of transfusions take place in your body and mind. You have to be really careful as not only you will be taking care of yourself but the developing baby. Most of us donate plasma while pregnant as an act of kindness. But the moment you do become pregnant, you might have to take a break and wait till the baby is born. Just go on to regain your health before you plan to donate blood the next time.

Why is it not possible to donate blood once you are pregnant?

There is no proven indicator that you should not be donating blood during pregnancy, but still it is advisable that you should not undertake donating blood. Are you aware that the human body produces 50 % of blood during pregnancy as compared to the normal course of life? Still you are not allowed to donate blood as the developing baby inside the womb needs this extra blood. If you plan to donate blood during this phase you are putting the life of the baby at risk. One more reason is that anemia during pregnancy can crop up. Considering all these issues can you donate plasma when pregnant needs to be avoided at all costs.

Even you are not advised to donate blood till you are breastfeeding your baby. As a new mother you need to wait till 9 months before you start to think of donating blood. But still if you continue to breastfeed your baby after this period it is better to wait till you stop breastfeeding. The baby is solely dependent on the nutrients and vitamins present in breast milk and if you donate blood during this point of time you miss the chance of these vital nutrients. Once the body goes on to replenish the iron content in your blood and you can stopped breastfeeding it is time to start donating blood all over again.

What could be the case if you go on to donate blood before being aware that you are pregnant?

If you happen to be a regular donor you might not even be aware and might have gone on to donate blood. This could happen during the initial phase of your pregnancy, and it is not going to pose any issue if you donate blood at this juncture. Once the blood is donated a quick check of your pulse and temperature is done. So to donate blood when you are in a normal and healthy condition should not pose a problem. When you are anxious it is always better to consult a doctor.

The main reason why a pregnant is advised not to donate blood as the doctor could feel that you might need blood transfusion at the time of delivery. This could be the case if you are having a high risk pregnancy. In such cases the mother could face up to excessive amount of bleeding during pregnancy.

Updated 16-May-2019

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